Perhaps you have sought within and found glimmers of your own magnificence. Maybe, as you've worked with others, you've seen glimmers of their magnificence. But why settle for glimpses when there is so much more?
That's why, at the Magnificence Lab, we're offering a new, free workshop series called "Pathways to Magnificence".
On the first Tuesday of every month, we meet for 90 minutes online to explore the steps that lead us to uncovering and embracing all of our magnificence.
Those of you who attended our first session were introduced to the Magnificence Matrix, a self analysis tool that provides a fluid snapshot of where we are and what could be in the way of where we'd like to be.
Regardless of where you are on your path, this series will...
- Entice you to explore old self-limiting beliefs and patterns
- Ignite your internal witness to deepen understanding and awareness
- Provide you with exercises and tools to remove roadblocks and support you in creating your Heaven on Earth
- Connect you with a group of like-minded individuals who are delighted to walk each other home in their magnificence journeys
Join us by registering through the link below.
(Your registration will give you access to all replays in this series.)
Date: Tuesday, NOVEMBER 5TH, 2024 (The first Tuesday of every month)
Time: 5:30 – 7:00 pm Mountain Time
Workshop Leader: Sue Paulson
Two foundational pillars for leading a magnificent life are Passion and Purpose. What's your passion? Does your life have purpose?
Why would either matter? Let's explore.
*Each monthly session's content can stand alone. However, for even more benefit, be sure to hit the Replay button for any sessions you've missed.
NOTE: Our registration form asks for your name and email address so we can send you replay links and reminders of upcoming workshops. We NEVER share your email without your consent. You can unsubscribe at any time.